Irish Coalition to End Youth Homelessness

The Simon Communities of Ireland are a proud member of the Irish Coalition to End Youth Homelessness (ICEYH).

The Irish Coalition to End Youth Homelessness was established in September 2017 as a way of consolidating the work of different organisations who are trying to tackle youth homelessness. 

Young people are at particular risk during a housing crisis, with private landlords, social housing bodies and local authorities less likely to rent to them. As well as those who are ‘officially’ homeless, there is likely a large number of young people living without a permanent home. These young people survive by sleeping on friends’ sofas, squatting or staying in other insecure or unsafe places.

We can end youth homelessness

The Simon Communities of Ireland and the ICEYH believe that youth homelessness is a problem which can and must be solved.

Members of the ICEYH are committed to working towards the following objectives:

  • Better data and awareness
  • Services that match needs
  • Better policy

The membership of the coalition is varied. Some organisations provide front-line support to young people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. Others advocate on their behalf. Some are representative organisations working with a host of smaller community groups. 

You can find out more about the Coalitions work on its website

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