Galway Simon Links and Contact Details

Emergency accommodation in Galway

If you are homeless and need a bed immediately, the first thing you will need to do is get in touch with your Local Authority in order to be eligible for homeless services. Your Local Authority will approve you for services and will refer you to the appropriate emergency accommodation providers.

If you are in need of emergency accommodation in Galway, the details for the relevant local authorities are below. An Out of Hours Service is also available and is provided by COPE Galway. The contact number for this service is 1800 788 887 (free-phone).

If you need more information, please contact us on 091 381828 and we would be happy to assist you.

Make a referral for yourself or behalf of somebody else.

Being at Risk of Homelessness

We understand that people can be at risk of homelessness due to a number of factors including low income, falling behind in rent or mortgage payments, debt, unemployment, relationship breakdowns, physical or mental health concerns, alcohol or drug misuse and difficulties with sexual orientation.

If you fear that you are at risk of homelessness, choose the question below that best describes your current situation and read our advice on what you should do. If you need further support or advice, you can get in touch with our team by completing our online referral form or alternatively, you can phone our office on 091 381828.

Select the box which describes what you are worried about and find out more about what you can do.

I am afraid that I may lose my home because I’m behind on my mortgage

If you are behind with your mortgage, you may be worried about losing your home, please get in touch with Galway Simon Community for support. Alternatively, you can talk to your lender or if you can’t, talk to MABS.  MABS has a dedicated, confidential, free and independent mortgage arrears service.  They are a one stop shop for mortgage debt advice and referrals. Their contact number is 0761072000.