The Simon Communities in Ireland welcome the opportunity to make a submission to inform the content
of the questionnaire for Census 2021. Accurate data collection on homelessness, housing and housing
deprivation at national, regional and local level is vital to the development and implementation of policy
responses to tackle the escalating housing and homelessness crisis. In light of the increasing number of
households living in emergency accommodation and the widening fault lines in the Irish housing system
more must be done to accurately capture the extent of homelessness and housing deprivation in the State
from national to local level across the various elements of the housing system. Responses to homelessness
and housing instability must be informed by the best possible evidence and data. Data collection has
improved greatly in recent years and the CSO must be commended on the work done to include
homelessness in census data. However more must and can be done if we are to address these issues
effectively and plan for the future.
Submission to CSO Census 2021 Consultation.
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