Simon Week 2021
There are more than 8000 people homeless in Ireland. This is NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Support the Simon Bill today and help us keep people in a home now.
The Simon Bill aims to provide increased protection for those facing eviction and at risk of homelessness today. Together we have the power to make change happen. All over Ireland, people are on the brink of being evicted, with nowhere but the streets to go. At the end of August 2021, 8,000 people were without a home. This is NOT GOOD ENOUGH. They need a home to feel safe, a home to share with their loved ones, a home in which to feel well and to build a life.
The Simon Communities of Ireland is calling on the Government to adopt the Simon Bill and give more time to those at risk of homelessness to find a home. A simple solution to prevent homelessness for so many. If combined with a pledge to provide support those facing eviction. Together, we can end homelessness.